By Levi F., Senior Patrol Leader
Saturday, January 5th was exciting for the Scouts of Troop 65-Stockbridge because they attended Junior Leadership Training (JLT). JLT is a training designed to help Scouts learn traits that will help them become better leaders. The training also showed them how they could apply their new leadership skills to their daily life. Scouts worked together to play fun games and learn about being a team. It was really fun and helped me grow my leadership skills. I loved all the games and had fun meeting Scouts from other troops.
Scouts who want to continue their leadership training can attend the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE). All in all, the Scouts had fun playing games, watching a movie, and having a sleepover.
Troop 65-Stockbridge provides leadership opportunities for boys ages 12-18. Visit us if you want to improve your leadership skills.